Thursday, October 1, 2015

Recently returned from my San Diego tour

I just got home from a week in San Diego leading workshops and making art on the beach. I am feeling beat as it was a fuuulll schedule. But I was always around friends and supporters and that felt good.

Here's a run down of the artworks made...

On the first day I invited the public to participate and here is one slice of a long stretch of beach:

That evening I made an appearance at the gallery reception of my artwork at Bliss 101 in Encinitas. If you are in the San Diego area, check out my prints which are really well done!

On the next day I led a group memorial for which I led the meditation artwork workshop and together we created this:

On the third day I led my own group in the meditation artwork workshop:

Here is the next day in which I led a personal artwork:

On day 5 I led a group artwork as a fundraiser for Autism Tree and together we made this one:

On day 6 I was filmed by a crew from France for whom I made this piece that is the next level version of a design I've been investigating (it's reeeallly big!):

On the last day I made a mandala for the French film crew:

On the 8th day I got up early to do some more filming, focusing on lots of small designs, and then I hightailed it to the airport!

 Whew! Thank you San Diego for the warm welcome and beautiful beaches!

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