The time has come to say farewell to my collection of music gear. It is a beloved set of equipment that stoked my creativity and floated me away for endless hours. I thought I would be able to bring the gear out for use, but after being in storage for nearly the past 5 years, I must concede that that era is over. Everything in the image below is for sale (plus a few other items). Follow the link for more info...

the complete page (hover over images for descriptions, prices):
Here's the list of items:
CD Decks:CDJ100- classic cd deck. some scuffs but works perfectly. has been in storage for 5 years ~$75
DMP555- almost looks new. Also in storage nearly 5 years ~$150
Sound modules:
electribe em-1 ~$250
Electribe er-1 ~$200
Alesis Air Synth ~$220
Access Virus A ~$600
Nord Micromodular ~$375
the complete page (hover over images for descriptions, prices):
Here's the list of items:
CD Decks:CDJ100- classic cd deck. some scuffs but works perfectly. has been in storage for 5 years ~$75
DMP555- almost looks new. Also in storage nearly 5 years ~$150
Sound modules:
electribe em-1 ~$250
Electribe er-1 ~$200
Access Virus A ~$600
Korg Kaoss Pad kp1~$55
Alesis Air FX ~$165
Alesis Wedge effects processor~$50
T.C.electronic m-one effects processor ~$300
behringer shark feedback eliminator ~$50
Boss DD-3 delay foot pedal ~$70
Rogue GEQ-5 Graphic Equalizer foot pedal ~$15
Rogue SCR-5 Stereo Chorus foot pedal ~$15
Danelectro 'Pepperoni' Phaser foor pedal ~$15
Danelectro 'Milkshake' Chorus foor pedal ~$20
Rogue VP-201 Volume Foot Pedal ~$20
Audio gear:
Behringer mixer 16-04: $70
Roland ED-30 pc audio interface ~$20
Alesis Air FX ~$165
Alesis Wedge effects processor~$50
T.C.electronic m-one effects processor ~$300
Boss DD-3 delay foot pedal ~$70
Rogue GEQ-5 Graphic Equalizer foot pedal ~$15
Rogue SCR-5 Stereo Chorus foot pedal ~$15
Danelectro 'Pepperoni' Phaser foor pedal ~$15
Danelectro 'Milkshake' Chorus foor pedal ~$20
Rogue VP-201 Volume Foot Pedal ~$20
Audio gear:
Behringer mixer 16-04: $70
Roland ED-30 pc audio interface ~$20
Midi Gear:
midiman oxygen 8 ~$40
midiman thru 1x4 (no power cord) ~$40
midiman midisport usb 4x4 ~$50
Motu Fastlane usb midi~$30
midiman thru 1x4 (no power cord) ~$40
midiman midisport usb 4x4 ~$50
Motu Fastlane usb midi~$30
Behringer ultrawave b300 powered speaker~$150
Behringer ultrawave b300 powered speaker~$150