Thursday, January 8, 2015

Workshop 3: Spontaneous Creation

Spontaneous Creations is the freeform art class designed to liberate us from preconception and form. After intro activities we'll create a large-scale artwork together.

Check the 'Upcoming Events' listing on the upper right side of my site to see the scheduled events.

The beach is an amazing canvas for creative expression. And the rake is a tool that uses the whole body. Its a perfect combination for spontaneous, body-centered, free form exploration.

Here's the general flow of the gathering:
  • Start with some Chi-Gong style breathing and movement activities and a brief meditation
  • We'll jump right in with different activities to get us connected to the tool and the medium
  • Do a series of activities that get us connected to intuitive creation
  • Talk about and then work on a group artwork
  • Take some aerial group photos of our creation!
I hope you can join us. Its a magical to experience the creative flow moving through your body while being barefoot on the beach.

Note: Physical condition notice- moderate physical capacity needed for raking as well as getting to the from the beach location.

Questions? Use the 'Contact' tab above. Thanks!  :-)

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