Playa Paintings 101 is the intro class that looks at the development and evolution of my artwork, goes into technique, then gives participants a chance to create a large-scale artwork together.
Check the 'Upcoming Events' listing on the upper right side of my site to see the scheduled events.
you looked at my imagery and wondered what the designs are about, where
they come from, what they are based upon? Curious about crop circles,
sacred geometry, chaos and fractals and how those fit into my art? Or
what they mean to you? Have a desire to doodle in the sand with one of
my rakes and play with design potentials?
Great- then you'll love the workshop I have planned!
As time allows, we will go into the following areas:
- crop circles- why are they so compelling?
- the origins of geometry and its impact on spirituality and humanity, the effects of which are felt throughout our culture
- fractals- the language of nature, the algorithms of reality
- chaos- is the universe truly chaotic?
- the development of my art through these various lenses and how they inform the latest designs
- A talk as described above
- demonstrations of my process, from the geometrical designs to the organic ones
- then we'll play with the rakes and do some practical group exercises
- finally I'll present the design options for that day and together work on possible variations- have a hand in designing the image we will later create
- Time to get to work and make our group art piece!
I hope you can join us, its a magical experience to see the process
unfold- even more magical to be inside the design creating it!
Note: Physical condition notice- moderate physical capacity needed for raking as well as getting to the from the beach location.
Note: Physical condition notice- moderate physical capacity needed for raking as well as getting to the from the beach location.